Tools to Help You Advocate for Education Equity

Here you will find a list of resources compiled from our coalition partners as well as a few other helpful tools and reports from advocacy groups. Our goal is to equip you to advocate for education equity for your child, your community and your state.

Education Equity Report Card – First Month

The following report card assigns a Pass/Fail grade to 2019 Florida education bills. PASS says the bill advances opportunity for all students, especially for children with the most needs. FAIL the bill gives preference to some students or directs funds to private interests. Bills are sorted by whether they are moving or stalled in committee. Based on the following analysis, the 2019 legislation likely to pass will not drive better student outcomes or school performance.

School Funding Court Decisions

The map below shows school-funding court decisions by state.

Click on a state for education-finance litigation details, recent events, and links to useful resources.

United Way ALICE Report: Florida

ALICE refers to the population in our communities that are Asset Limited, IncomeConstrained, Employed.  The ALICE population represents those among us who are working, but due to child care costs, transportation challenges, high cost of living and so much more are living paycheck to paycheck. Click below to see the report.

Education Watch Florida

Education Watch can help arm advocates with data that can push leaders in their states, districts, and schools to do better for all students —especially for students from low-income families, students of color, and English learners.

Use this tool to find out:

  • What the demographics of your state’s students look like
  • If your state is providing all groups of students with equitable access to key educational resources
  • How your state’s schools and colleges preparing all students for success after graduation